Can I Get A Massage At A Chiropractic Clinic?
Getting a massage at a chiropractic clinic is not the same as getting a massage at a regular spa. While both can provide a relaxation experience, they are different from each other. The benefits of a massage at a chiropractic clinic include relief from pain after a chiropractic adjustment, a reduction in swelling in the surrounding muscle tissue, and an enhanced emotional well-being. What Are The Advantages of Massage Therapy? Massage therapy can reduce pain and stress, as well as increase blood flow. Massage therapy offers many benefits to your physical and mental well-being. Some are following: Reduced Stress Relief Pain Increased Blood Flow Reduces Swelling Enhances Emotional Well-being Boosts Mood and many more Avoid Illegal Inducements Getting a massage at a chiropractic clinic in Portland has its advantages and downsides. You should be aware of these in order to avoid getting suckered into the chiropractor's obnoxious bill. A good massage therapist can help steer ...